NEW POLL: Biden Approval on Economy Gets Absolutely Clobbered, Down to Record-Low 33 Percent

President Joe Biden’s approval rating on the economy has reached a record-low, in a brand new poll out Sunday morning.

According to the latest survey from NBC News, only 33 percent of Americans approve of the president’s handling of the economy, compared with 60 percent who disapprove. That number represents a seismic shift from a year ago, when 52 percent approved of Biden on the economy, and just 43 percent disapproved.

The numbers almost precisely mirror the answer the answer to this question: Do you think your family’s income is a) falling behind b) staying about even c) going up faster. Sixty-two percent believe their income is falling behind, while 31 percent believe it is staying about even.

In all, 38 percent of Americans, according to the NBC poll, believe that Biden and his policies are most to blame for inflation, while 28 percent believe the pandemic is primarily responsible, and 23 percent blame corporate price increases.

Overall, NBC News puts Biden’s approval at 40 percent, which is a record-low for that network’s survey, compared with 55 percent disapproval. Those numbers roughly fall in line with FiveThirtyEight’s aggregation of all polls. FiveThirtyEight’s composite has the president at 42 percent approval and 52.8 percent disapproval.



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